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Dr David Tutty

Living the Eucharist -Reflections for this time of Coronavirus 1

Updated: Sep 25, 2020

Living the Eucharist

We are in a time of uncertainty and worry. We look at what is happening with the coronavirus here and overseas and do not know what we will have to face tomorrow. Alongside this, our church buildings are closed and we are missing the nourishment of sharing Eucharist together.

In this very unusual situation, I feel this is a good time to reflect upon Eucharist and how we live the Eucharist in our daily lives. Often when we think of Eucharist, we think of what we receive. We think of the nourishment and strength that we gain because we have experienced Jesus through the Eucharist. I want to expand on this experience and say that the grace that we receive is given by God for a purpose. The nourishment and strength we experience in the Eucharist is, in fact, also a call and a challenge to live like Jesus. We are called to act so that others experience something of Jesus through us and that God’s reign is experienced in our world.

In the Eucharistic prayer, we join ourselves with the suffering, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. We are mindful that it was Jesus’ words and actions of God’s love and justice that led to his crucifixion. Jesus died because he was faithful to the one he called ‘Abba, Father’. It is Jesus’ ministry that is to shape us and inspire us to live the Eucharist each day. So the more that we can learn about his ministry the more we understand how to live Eucharist.

Jesus’ announcement that the reign of God is at hand shaped his ministry. It also inspires us to try and make real God’s presence and purpose within the communities in which we live. Living the Eucharist is about contributing to God’s reign being experienced in the world. God seeks to transform the world so that God’s sense of right relationships are lived. This means we are called to live compassionately, justly and ecologically. These all flow from receiving Eucharist.

While we are maintaining isolation or limited activities, it is good to reflect on practical ways of how we can be Eucharist to others. Who do we know who needs a phone call, groceries or assistance with accessing medical care? How can we still support Caritas in its many works? How can we learn more about some of the issues in our world? How can we consume less and live more simply at this time? How can we better live the Eucharist?

Dr David Tutty

Social Justice Commission

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